4 min read

3 Reasons to focus on the customer journey at Series A

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Lindsey Meyl
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Achieving operational excellence has unique challenges at each company stage, but I've found that Series A is the most difficult for revenue operations. This is because operational infrastructure depends on processes, and in Series A, you have to be exceptionally thoughtful about what processes are appropriate.

The area I usually start, especially for a Series A, is the Customer Journey, aka Customer Bowtie. To be clear, I’m not talking about the sales process; I’m talking about a true end-to-end Customer Journey that includes your entire GTM organization.

Here are three compelling reasons why focusing on the Customer Journey at Series A can make a significant impact:

1. Foundation for Processes: The Customer Journey serves as the bedrock upon which other processes rely. By defining the stages, experiences, and actions within broad Customer Journey milestones, you create essential flexibility. This approach strikes a Goldilocks balance—broad enough for adaptability yet structured enough to identify patterns as stages are clearly defined.

2. Product and GTM Alignment: Given that product development inherently involves understanding the Customer Journey, your Product team likely already possesses insights into these stages. Leveraging the Customer Journey becomes an effective way to align Product and GTM efforts seamlessly.

3. Proof Points for Product Market Fit: Series A companies often grapple with the subjective nature of Product Market Fit. The Customer Journey, when set up diligently, becomes a powerful tool for identifying patterns that validate or refine your Product Market Fit. It ensures that the post-purchase journey, often overlooked in the early stages due to acquisition focus, receives the attention it deserves.

By rallying your organization around consistent terms and definitions of the Customer Journey, you pave the way for alignment in actual end-to-end revenue management. This strategic focus not only addresses Series A challenges head-on but also establishes a robust foundation for operational excellence as your company grows.


1. How can RevAmp help Series A companies to effectively build and manage the operational infrastructure around the Customer Journey?

RevAmp is designed for pragmatic data collection across the Customer Journey. For Series A companies, especially B2Bsoftware firms with a recurring revenue model, RevAmp streamlines the process of aligning product development and GTM strategies by leveraging insights from your CRM, MAS, CX, and Product Analytics tools. This alignment is crucial for creating flexible yet structured operational processes that can grow with your company.

2. Our focus is finding proof points for Product Market Fit – how can RevAmp help?

RevAmp accelerates the process of identifying patterns within the Customer Journey that validate or refine your Product Market Fit. By integrating with your existing tech stack and analyzing data across your GTM activities, RevAmp provides actionable insights that help focus on areas of the Customer Journey often overlooked. This comprehensive approach ensures your product and GTM efforts contribute to demonstrating Product Market Fit.

3. For a Series A company, what are key considerations RevOps should keep in mind when building a scalable and adaptable operational infrastructure around the Customer Journey?

To accommodate the evolving needs of a Series A company requires establishing clear GTM milestones within the Customer Journey, integrating data from various operational sources to gain a holistic view of customer interaction signals, and ensuring that product and GTM strategies are closely aligned. The ability to quickly adapt and refine processes based on real-time insights and patterns helps maintain operational efficiency that supports the company's growth.

4. For RevOps, what’s the most challenging part to build a system from scratch that provides observability across the entire GTM?

To build a unified, actionable view of the customer journey from scratch involves overcoming several critical hurdles:

·       Conquering data silos and the complexities associated with integrating various data streams.

·       Synchronizing goals and processes across different departments.

·       Ensuring the system is scalable and adaptable to future needs.

·       Implementing real-time data processing and analysis capabilities.

·       Providing insights that are not only comprehensive but also actionable.

Fortunately, RevAmp is a specialized customer data platform designed for B2B enterprises to monitor and analyze the full GTM process, so RevOps teams can be spared the need to start from scratch. 😊

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