How to Make Go-to-Market a Team Sport with the Data Model

Manish Katyan

Align your sales, marketing, and customer success teams with the Data Model, a central framework enhancing GTM strategies. Incorporating AI, personalization, and ethical data practices, this approach drives unified efforts and customer-centric growth, adapting to emerging trends like hybrid experiences and the subscription economy. Request a demo with RevAmp today!

June 8, 2024

In today’s fast-paced business environment, aligning sales, marketing, and customer success teams to drive revenue growth has become more critical than ever.

According to Pavilion’s 2023 Pulse Survey, 50% of go-to-market (GTM) leaders had to lower their revenue goals due to missing their revenue targets significantly.

To address this issue, companies are shifting their focus towards upsells, cross-sells, and expansion, necessitating the alignment of pre-sale and post-sale motions.

However, achieving this alignment is challenging when teams operate in silos, tracking different goals, using different technologies, and following different data standards.

Introducing the Data Model

The Data Model, originally conceived by Jacco van der Kooij of Winning by Design and taught in Pavilion’s Revenue Architecture course, offers a solution.

It provides a central framework for GTM teams, creating a unified view of the customer journey and aligning key performance indicators (KPIs) across the entire team.

The Data Model maps the customer journey into nine specific stages, each with clearly defined customer objectives and entry/exit criteria.

This structure ensures that teams can build the right people, processes, and data signals to support the desired outcomes at each stage.

Benefits of the Data Model

  1. Unified Revenue Goals: The Data Model enables revenue leaders to identify and diagnose problems within the revenue engine, facilitating targeted solutions as a single GTM team. It ensures shared goals, definitions, and metrics are created from a unified revenue goal.
  2. Complete Visibility of GTM: The model provides performance metrics in the context of revenue growth, not just the point of sale. This allows CMOs to align messaging and campaign performance to customer outcomes post-sale, and CROs to see which account executives are driving the greatest revenue growth compared to those driving the most churn.
  3. Proactive Metrics: The Data Model metrics offer leading indicators of success throughout the GTM process, enabling teams to identify, diagnose, and respond to issues before they become critical.

Challenges in Implementing the Data Model

While the Data Model offers significant benefits, implementing it can be challenging.

Three primary challenges include poor change management, conflicting definitions and KPIs, and data misalignment.

1. Poor Change Management

Effective change management is critical for any transformation initiative.

To successfully implement the Data Model, it is essential to align people, processes, and technology early on.

CEOs must set goals for their functional leaders to ensure alignment across the organization.

2. Conflicting Definitions and KPIs

Misalignment in goals across functional groups can be detrimental to the customer journey.

Marketing, sales, and customer success often have different priorities, leading to conflicting definitions and KPIs.

Regularly reviewing and updating these definitions and KPIs is essential to maintain alignment and ensure that all teams are working towards the same objectives.

3. Data Misalignment

Even with aligned definitions and KPIs, data misalignment can occur if the systems tracking this information are not integrated.

It is crucial to ensure that data lives in a single, unified system to avoid discrepancies and misinterpretations.

Overcoming Implementation Challenges

To overcome these challenges and put the Data Model into action, follow these steps:

1. Create a Central Framework with Milestones

Define specific objectives and entry/exit criteria for each stage of the bowtie.

This ensures that all teams understand the requirements for moving from one stage to another, fostering alignment and preventing miscommunication.

2. Use Your Entire Tech Stack to Track KPIs

Leverage your tech stack to track KPIs accurately. Identify the data that best represents the milestone criteria and integrate it into your Data Model.

This approach ensures more reliable results and repeatable success.

3. Capture Milestone Triggers with Timestamps

Implement timestamps to capture when customers meet milestone events.

This allows you to analyze the volume, conversion, and time between stages, providing accurate KPIs for the entire GTM organization.

4. Put Them All Together to Get to the Why

Once you have the definitions, criteria, data sources, and timestamps in place, you can use the Data Model variables to answer the “why” behind your business challenges.

This framework enables you to run statistical and machine learning methods to identify root causes and derive solutions faster.

Turn Your Challenges Into Success Stories

The Data Model not only aligns sales, marketing, and customer success teams but also gives previously marginalized teams a seat at the table.

By standardizing data definitions and criteria, and using a unified tech stack to gather and analyze data, businesses can achieve true revenue growth.

Although implementation may require trial and error, the payoff is worth it once achieved.

Enriching the Data Model with Current Trends

To further enrich your GTM strategy, consider integrating these current trends:

Embracing AI and Machine Learning

AI in Marketing: AI is transforming marketing strategies by providing more accurate customer insights, enabling predictive analytics, and automating routine tasks. This allows GTM teams to focus on strategic initiatives and improve efficiency​​​​.

SEO and AI: AI-powered search engines like Google’s Search Generative Engine (SGE) are changing SEO strategies. These engines deliver results based on user intent, making high-quality, relevant content more crucial than ever​​.

Enhancing Personalization and User Experience

Personalization: Advances in generative AI are making true personalization more achievable. Personalized experiences, from product recommendations to tailored content, are critical for customer satisfaction and retention​​​​.

User Experience (UX): Improving UX through AI-driven insights can enhance customer engagement. Seamless interactions across digital and physical touchpoints are increasingly expected by consumers​​.

Leveraging Content Marketing and Influencer Partnerships

Content Marketing: Quality content remains essential for driving engagement and establishing thought leadership. Investing in blogs, podcasts, and video content can support your GTM strategy​​.

Influencer Marketing: Partnering with influencers, especially micro and nano-influencers, can help build authentic connections with new audiences​​​​.

Addressing Privacy and Data Management

Data Privacy: Ethical data collection and management are becoming more critical. Ensuring compliance with privacy regulations while leveraging data for GTM strategies can secure customer trust​​​​.

Consolidation of AI Tools: The martech landscape is seeing significant consolidation, simplifying the tech stack and making it easier to manage data and insights from a unified platform​​.

Incorporating Emerging Trends

Subscription Economy: The subscription-based model is growing in popularity, providing recurring revenue streams that align well with the Data Model’s focus on recurring revenue​​.

Hybrid Experiences: Technologies that enable real-time hybrid events and seamless transitions between digital and physical interactions are on the rise, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty​​.


Integrating these trends into your GTM strategy can significantly enhance its effectiveness.

The Data Model provides a robust framework for aligning teams and processes, and by incorporating AI, personalization, ethical data practices, and emerging marketing trends, you can ensure your strategy remains competitive and customer-centric in 2024 and beyond.

By staying informed about these trends and adapting your strategies accordingly, you can drive growth and create more meaningful customer experiences.

For more detailed insights, consider exploring resources from leading marketing platforms and industry reports.

Request a demo today to see how RevAmp can help your team implement the Data Model and achieve unified GTM success.

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